interior designing

We had the pleasure of working with a discerning couple enjoying their golden years, who entrusted us with the design of a 190-square-meter apartment that resonates with their lifestyle and aspirations. Their unique request was for an apartment that not only accommodates the usual living spaces but also celebrates their personal interests and the joy of family gatherings.

With keen attention to detail, we transformed one of the three bedrooms into a multifunctional space – an elegant walk-in wardrobe combined with a serene reading nook, showcasing their cherished collection of clothes, accessories, and books. This room, once purposed for sleep, now stands as their personal retreat.

The second bedroom was thoughtfully designed to welcome guests, providing a cozy haven for visitors, while the couple’s master suite remains their private sanctuary. Understanding the importance of family to our clients, we also incorporated a secluded area for them to indulge in their favourite television shows, away from the bustling activity of their grandchildren who often visit over weekends and holidays.

Central to their belief that the hearth is the heart of the home, we positioned a grand fireplace at the core of the living room, creating a magnetizing focal point that draws everyone together. The kitchen, expansive and well-appointed, caters to their love for culinary exploits, offering a perfect stage for family recipes and new memories to simmer together.

Through a collaboration of their vision and our design expertise, we have delivered not just an apartment, but a home that embodies their dreams in every corner. We are confident that it stands as a testament to their life’s journey, offering a warm embrace to family and friends alike.